Mason’s Mission

Mason’s Mission Foundation was started by the parents of two special needs boys, who are unable to walk, speak, or play outside. However, there were no playgrounds in Western NY that were fully wheelchair accessible, making it impossible for these children to experience play. Because play is an incredible form of therapy for disabled children, they connected with other families facing the same problem and set out to create a community playground that would meet the needs of both children and adults with mobility, sensory, and length limitations.

The playground is surfaced with a wheelchair-friendly unitary surfacing, and swings, gliders, and a merry-go-round are especially intended for wheelchair users. Sensory play panels allow for another play experience, while another area is intended for those with autism. The opportunity for these children to interact and engage with others is essential to their development and quality of life, and the space is an inviting space to play and have fun regardless of age or ability.

Mason's Mission at Pendleton Park Playground, Lockport, NY, USA

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